Wasabi was originally sold to a couple that owns a Sushi restaurant, hence the name! They divorced when Wasabi was a few months old, the wife got everything and the husband got the dog. That left him with nowhere to keep the dog, so he came back to Heather and was home to stay. He was co-owned with Alan. Definitely a life changing decision!

Wasabi was Heather’s first male that lived at her house. What a difference between the boys and the girls that she was used to! Wasabi had a great sense of humor and was a total clown. When he was a puppy, Heather filled a blue plastic baby pool up in the backyard on a hot day and went to work. When she came home, he was running around the yard with the pool in his mouth!

At his first National Specialty in Riverside, CA he went 3rd in Futurity and 2nd in the Bred By Class. It was also the first time he was in harness for a weight pull. At 9 months of age he pulled 17 times his body weight! He finished his Championship and also placed 4th at the 2009 National Specialty in the Working Dog class, was #3 Adv. Working Sweeps, #3 10-12 Veteran Sweeps, #3 10-12 Veteran Dog at the 2011 National and in his final National placed #3 Int. Working Sweeps and #3 10-12 Veteran Sweeps and #3 10-12 Veteran Dog. He sure likes those green ribbons!

Wasabi produced 3 litters and has many Champion kids we are so proud of. Wasabi was definitely a people dog and went to work every day at a medical supply company where Heather is the Manager. He was a titled Certified Therapy Dog and we used to visit the hospital once a week to visit patients. He retired after 8 years of service. He also worked with severely autistic children once a week, which was his specialty. He liked to spread his big Sammy smile around and was incredible at his job. We wish we had more time to do this full time.

Wasabi was invited to two Eukanuba National Championships in Long Beach and in 2006 was featured in the commercial for the show running on Animal Planet. He was also the Samoyed featured on the poster and ad in People Magazine promoting the show. Since that commercial aired, he became quite the Hollywood star and has been featured in a Little Cesar Dog Food Commercial, Print ad for “The Marriage Ref”, Print ad for Target/Iams Dog Food where he remained in all 2000+ stores around the Nation for 7 years. He was featured on the Yahoo main page, Wired Magazine with Will Farrell, and featured in the 2011 Nordstroms Catalog. He is a definite star! Most importantly, he was Heather’s soulmate and went everywhere with her whenever possible.

Wasabi was diagnosed with Kidney failure in January 2012 and like the fighter he was, survived 11 months past his diagnosis. In January 2014, he crashed and was diagnosed with non-regenerating anemia. He was given the weekend to live and we were told to give him whatever he wanted. So Heather started a Bucket List and we are proud and blessed to have had these special memories with him! His life came to an end on a rainy day in December 2014, as the heavens cried for him. Now, he’ll never stop making rainbows.

  • 11 January 2003 – 2 December 2014


HIPS: SA-13818G24M-PI


CERF: SA-4933

SIRE: CH. d’Keta Dances Teal Dawn, HIC, HCT, WSX, CGC “Donovan”

DAM: CH. Oakbrook’s Heart Of Gold, HIC “Sunshine”

View Pedigree

Heather Stevenson

Alan Stevenson

  • Featured on Animal Planet, Eukanuba Commercial, Little Cesar Dog Food Commercial, Print ad for “The Marriage Ref”, Print ad for Target/Iams Dog Food, Featured in all Target Stores since 2009, Featured in People magazine, Featured in Nordstrom’s 2011-2012 Winter Catalog

2003 National Specialty: 2nd place Bred By and 3rd plac Futurity

2009 National Specialty: 4th place Working Dog

2011 National Specialty: 3rd place Adv. Working Sweeps, 3rd place 10-12 Veteran Sweeps, 3rd place 10-12 Veteran Dog

2013 National Specialty: 3rd place Int. Working Sweepstakes, 3rd place 10-12 Veteran Sweeps, 3rd place 10-12 Veteran Dog

Qualified for Eukanuba National 2006, 2007

Therapy Dog: Works with Autistic Children and visits the local hospitals once a week

Featured on Animal Planet, Eukanuba Commercial, Little Cesar Dog Food Commercial, Print ad for “The Marriage Ref”, Print ad for Target/Iams Dog Food, Featured in all Target Stores From 2009-2016, Featured in People magazine, Featured in Nordstrom’s 2011-2012 Winter Catalog
