• 10 June 2007 – 16 December 2009

AKC NUMBER: WS22563104

Randy Bradley

Kathleen Byrd

Heather Stevenson

Skya was out of Wasabi and Kahlua. She was owned by Randy Bradley, Kathleen Byrd and co-owned by Heather. She lived in Carmel with a Jack Russell Terrier named Chumbley. Randy and Kathleen were graciously planning to let Heather show Skya to her championship, but due to the distance between houses and busy life in general it just didn’t happen.

They had Skya spayed at the age of 3 where she sadly died on the table. The vets received a letter 2 days later stating the drug used to put her under was recalled. Such a tragic, senseless loss of the beautiful, sweet Skya.