Heather’s all time favorite female Samoyed is MIINA owned by Karen Brooks-Hodges. While standing in line at the National to take our win pictures, Karen was talking about MIINA’s next litter and who she should breed her to. At which point, Heather says, “You could use ONO”. Now, ONO has been gone for 20 years and we have never let his stored semen be used by anyone but Oakbrook. But this was MIINA! Karen took us up on the offer and a frozen breeding was done. Heather wanted pick female. MIINA had one and only one male. Heather named him LEGEND and the rest is history!
LEGEND is perfect in every way and I am so incredibly grateful to Karen for trusting us by using ONO on her perfect girl. The minute LEGEND walked through our door, it was like he had been here before. He is the absolute mixture of every one of our Oakbrook dogs that have passed on. When we brought him home, 3 weeks later the world shut down for COVID so unfortunately he was never able to be shown as a puppy and match the records set by his parents. He did however finish very quickly once the world re-opened and dog shows commenced. He was undefeated in wins to his Championship.
LEGEND is not shown often as Heather helps out with showing her parent’s dogs but comes out on occasion. We are currently training in Agility and he is super fast! He also excelled in Herding, Weight Pull and Fast CAT. He will do anything Heather asks him to do and is the sweetest, most loving and loyal companion.